Today marks a month since our Head of School announced the decision to close our LA and OC campuses as a response to the current health pandemic that is affecting our country, and the rest of the world. In these times of great uncertainty it is crucial that our OC community continues to support one another. Our OC faculty and staff members would like to remind you that we care about and miss you!
For many of us, after being home for nearly five weeks we are becoming more and more anxious. There are also many of us who are still trying to find new ways to entertain our children. In the past, a phrase often heard on our OC campus has been, “We are LILA”, and yes we are!
Our campus wants to continue to support our families as we familiarize ourselves with the restrictions that have been put in place under California’s Stay at Home order. Therefore, we have compiled a list of physical activity resources -that also include our personal age recommendations- for our families to use to encourage physical activity amongst their children.
Break a sweat!
1. GoNoodle provides great videos that encourages physical movement through the usage of catchy phrases, songs, and silly dance moves. Recommended for preschoolers through 5th grade.
2. Cosmic Kids provides exceptional short (and long) video clips where children can learn yoga. Recommended for preschool through 2nd grade.
3. Kidz Bop has dance-along videos posted on their YouTube channel. Viewers can choose to subscribe to their channel but, it is not necessary. This is a helpful resource to use if your child enjoys singing to pop music, and dancing! Recommended for kinder through 5th grade.
4. Glenn Higgins is a personal trainer and health coach who has a YouTube channel called Get Kids Moving. If your child loves superheroes they may love these videos! Recommended for 2nd grade or older (some exercises are a little intense for younger audiences).
5. Joe Wicks is a popular body coach on YouTube. In response to the current health pandemic he has launched a 30 minute online P.E. class, called PE with Joe, for students. Viewers do not need to subscribe to his YouTube channel to view his daily videos. Recommended for 5rd through 8th grade. Note: Even parents can join in on the action with Joe Wicks’ P.E. class!
6. DAREBEE is a great option for parents who don’t want their child to have any more screen time! It’s a fitness resource website where you can find tons for posters, fitness plans, exercise diagrams, and so much more! Recommended for middle school and parents.