Available K to 3rd, Provided by Stem’N’More

To provide children with the skills to create and build a variety of robot models with an emphasis on amusement park rides and games.
To guide children through their first steps into the world of engineering, electronics, physics, robotics and gaming strategy.
To develop children’s thinking process and strategy planning.
Fun Fact- STEM&More students take home every model they produce to show, brag and keep!
Course description:
Students investigate the fascinating and astonishing worlds of fun engineering and robotics. Our courses support Common Core Standards in S.T.E.M. With this one of a kind program, students will have the opportunity to design, produce and assemble their own amusement park using new and cutting-edge technology.
STEM&More instructors use a robotics kit created by STEM&More and Academix. As they develop their skills, students will build different rides (robot models). Each model will be activated by one or more electrical engines, depending on the model, and will simulate the different aspects of the machinery.
In addition, in order to challenge students and further expose them to the world of technology, they will learn about types of electrical engines, remote controllers, cog-wheels (speed & momentum) and more.