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Ashlee Hayes

Trustee and Board Member

Trustee and Board Member: 2024 to present (expires 2025)

Current Employment: Chief Strategy Officer @ CEimpact, Founder & Author @ RX Ashlee

Education: Doctorate of Pharmacy, University of Southern California; Master in Healthcare Administration, University of Kentucky; Bachelors in Sciences, Biological Sciences, SUNY Buffalo

Affiliations: NA

Languages: English

Bio: Ashlee Klevens Hayes, PharmD, MHA, CELDC is the Chief Strategy Officer at CEimpact and is the founder of RX Ashlee, a pharmacist career coaching company. Ashlee graduated pharmacy school from the USC School of Pharmacy and completed her residency training at the University of Kentucky. Her area of expertise is teaching clinicians how to build a personal brand, market themselves as experts in their niche, and stand out in a competitive marketplace. Ashlee has provided career and leadership training for >30 schools of pharmacy, been published in Thrive Business, authored three books, hosted a top 30 business podcast on Apple iTunes from the Pharmacy Podcast Network, and traveled worldwide to provide keynote presentations and facilitate workshops for both students and practicing pharmacists. Ashlee has supported over 7,000 pharmacists by elevating their careers and thriving in their personal & professional lives. She lives in Orange County, California, with her husband, two daughters, Madeline & Charlotte, and 3-year-old Great Dane, Sam.

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